This week's Nice Price Record Of The Week is our Amy Walker Discourse On Accents Green Series 7".

Amy is an actress who made quite the name for herself as an expert in the field of replicating accents from all over the world, as evidenced by the over 5 million views of her "21 Accents" video on YouTube. This Green series single features 4 separate tracks on the A-Side ranging from an introduction to Amy, to readings, to improvisations, as well as an enlightening interview with the artist on the B-Side by Jack White. In order to better reflect the theme of the record's exploration of shifting identity perceptions, there are 30 different cover sleeves that exist for this record. The Discourse On Accents Green Series single is, to our minds, a terrific example of vinyl single as cultural document. It is as entertaining as it is educational and the sleeve variants round out the whole concept very nicely.

Whether you are interested in audio as conceptual art, or just enjoy trying tocollect all the different sleeves, we think you'll agree that this single makes for a very interesting entry into the TMR catalog, and a real bargain for our Record Of The Week. The Amy Walker 5-Cover Bundle is similarly discounted to this week's nice price as well...