To celebrate the release of Danny Kroha’s solo debut album on Third Man (out tomorrow!) we’ve invited him down from the icy environs of Detroit to Nashville for a FREE show at our favorite night spot, The Basement on Monday February 2nd. Oh we’ll have it all... Third Man DJs (‘The BENS' will be in the house on the ones and twos), ridiculously great local acts we love, Dean Jackson and Sun Seeker and the man himself Danny Kroha playing tunes from his fresh-off-the-presses Third Man debut, Angels Watching Over Me. Of course we’ll also have limited edition versions of Danny’s LP for sale as well. This is the only time and place you’ll be able to pick these green vinyl beauties up in Nashville…

Danny has been a mainstay in the Detroit music scene for over thirty years. A man consistently pushing himself to reinvent. As a founding member of garage legends The Gories, he’s influenced countless imitators and poseurs. From The Demolition Doll Rods, to Rocket 455 to Danny & The Darleans every project he’s involved with has been heavily dosed with Detroit rock n roll n soul. So with his first full-length under his own name, it MAY come as an unexpected turn that he’s dealing in classic gospel and folk. Playing every instrument himself, spanning guitar, banjo, baritone dulcimer, diddley bow, washtub bass, jug and mouth organ, the end result is a collection of compelling and timeless traditional songs. Angels Watching Over Me is the real deal, seeming that it could’ve been recorded at any time over the past 70 years. With this album, Kroha firmly establishes himself as one of the pre-eminent practitioners of a genre in desperate need of someone with his creativity and vision in moving forward the classic American art form.

And here’s a fresh taste off the album, the title track "Angels Watching Over Me."

Regarding this track, Danny has this to say:

"I learned this traditional song from a recording made in the early sixties by a Detroit preacher named Brother Will Hairston. In making his version, he gathered verses from a couple of other old gospel songs “A Charge To Keep I Have” and “ On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand.” I got the, “and now I lay me down to sleep” part when I looked up the lyrics. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with messages of fear, I find the chorus of this song to be a powerful and soothing affirmation."

Danny Kroha FREE Nashville Record Release
February 2nd at The Basement
Doors 8:30
Danny Kroha, Sun Seeker, Dean Jackson